12 September 2008

Not *Too* Worried... =/

Emotions are raw here in Baton Rouge.
You can see the weary, mildly-panicked look in every eye.

Sure, we will be fine. We are not even in the "cone" of Hurricane Ike's path.
Even so, our wounds are fresh and no one is taking any chances.

Right now, we are under a tropical storm wind warning.
No big deal... except it is.
I don't know if many people here can handle another power outage so soon.
My dear friend, Carole, JUST got power back YESTERDAY.
That's 11 -- ELEVEN -- days without power.
Another friend still does not have power.

Yes, we will be fine.
Tomorrow is another day and in a couple of days, life will (hopefully) go back to normal.
But we have hardly had time to recover from Gustav while keeping a wary eye on this coming, monstrous storm.
And it is monstrous!
Despite not being in the cone, New Orleans has been hammered by wind and sea surge.
Our friends in Metarie have already lost power.
Gas lines in Baton Rouge started yesterday afternoon.
Grocery lines were long & ice was being stockpiled in every available freezer.

Nah, we're not *too* worried.
Even if we aren't fully recovered from last week's storm.
The spirit of this city is very strong -- a little tired & war-torn -- but strong, nonetheless.

God bless the people of Galveston and Houston, Texas.


Anonymous said...

Hey girl.....I just want you to know that you are one of my heroes. Stay strong. Much love

Lesley said...

Hey Summer!

As usual, you have so eloquently put my thoughts into words. How is it that you do that?? Hope you're nice and comfy in my head, LOL!!

Really though, your words always bring me a sense of encouragement and peace. In fact, I referenced this post on my blog the day before Ike hit.

Thank you for being you! I'm blessed to call you friend."