Yes, I know it's been another sparse blogging week for me, but I have a good excuse.
No, really; I do!
Clay and I went to New Orleans last weekend -- withOUT the kids (thank you, Lorri!!!) -- for Tulane's annual French Quarter Symposium. This year's topic was "Great Men, Sick Minds," and Clay spoke on Howard Hughes.
In a nutshell: If you're poor: you're insane. If you're rich: you're ECCENTRIC.
It was a wonderful weekend with beautiful weather.
Incidentally, it was also the weekend for "French Quarter Festival."
Now, everyone knows that tourists come into New Orleans for Jazz Fest to hear great music and eat great food, but apparently, French Quarter Fest is for TRUE Jazz lovers and it brings out all the locals...
Since we got home, however, it's been non-stop drama.
Clay started getting sick on the way home Sunday night. He continued to be very ill (stomach flu) for the next 3 days! I was sending him love from across the room.
"Sweetie, do you need anything? I can tie the Tylenol to the cat's back and send him your way..."
I'm only kidding!
But I did NOT want him to share, if you catch my drift.
Nadia -- who never burns -- got a HORRIBLE sunburn during her softball game last weekend and had fever, chills, and nausea for 2 days. Then she couldn't sleep because her shoulders were so sensitive. Nadia is my RIGHT HAND, so it was doubly hard having her out of commission, too!
Natasha is still hobbling around. Although we got a very good report from the Pediatric Orthopedic Specialist, she is still in some pain and is learning how to negotiate the stairs in a post-op shoe.
Finally, poor Raisha was just not sleeping so I took her to see our pediatrician. Turns out she has a sinus infection and fluid in BOTH ears. Ugh. Poor baby!
The week is finally over and everyone is on the mend, but I'm feeling pretty drained and not so hot, myself. But don't worry about me; I'll be fine... Everyone KNOWS that moms AREN'T ALLOWED TO get sick!
We'll be praying lots of healthy blessings on you!!! Can't wait till you're all back on your feet! I've been missing you and have lots to catch up on!!! Love ya! Wendy
I get as much out of Ladies Thrive as they do too!
Sorry about all the illness!
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