05 December 2008

Midnight With FlowerDust

100 Roses for 100 Girls...

Dean, Me, Season, & Anne (FlowerDust)

In case you can't read it, it says:
"We hope this small gift
brightens your day.
It is a simple way to say God loves you
-- no strings attached.
Let us know if we can help you."


We give each girl -- stripper, prostitute, mom, grandmother, barmaid, etc. -- one of these beautiful, long-stemmed, red roses with this card attached.
How lucky am I to be a part of such an amazing church?

This next picture is just for fun because it clearly shows that I have had WAY, WAY too much caffeine! ROFL!
Seriously, I almost look manic.

No more Red Bull for me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You don't look manic. You look happy! God's love shining out through your smile :) I was just telling a friend of mine this morning about the roses and your church. I know you and the other women who do this ministry make God smile.


P.S. - Where's my Christmas card!? I don't even have my typical photo cards made yet, but I did get a cute pic of the girl with Santa over the weekend. Gotta do that...